HjerkinnPRO: restoration of removed roads. The roads at the Hjerkinn military training area in Dovrefjell, Central Norway, were constructed during the 1960s by adding crushed stone and gravel on top of undisturbed terrain and vegetation. In 2002, a pilot project removing 1.2 km of roads was initiated. An ecological monitoring program was established to evaluate the recovery of the vegetation following removal using different restoration treatments. The pilot project was established along three road sections (sites). To remove the roads in August 2002, a shell-proof excavator first removed the crushed stone down to the original terrain surface. Then the upper soil layer was stirred down to 20 cm as the excavator grab lifted the compressed surface. Four restoration treatments were tested: (1) Soil preparation by stirring as described above (Soil treatment), (2) Fertilization, where 20 g/m2 of granulated N-K-P fertilizer was added to the stirred topsoil, (3) Fertilization and seeding, where 7 g/m2 of commercial seeds of Festuca rubra were added to the stirred and fertilized topsoil. In addition, a fourth restoration treatment, in which the added gravel was not removed, but the topsoil and gravel were stirred together, was tested (No removal of gravel) at two of the three sites. At all sites, vegetation turfs (≤ 1 m2 in size) were transplanted from nearby road margins, at a 5‒10 m planting distance.
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Evju M (2023): HjerkinnPRO restoration of removed roads. v1.0. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Dataset/Samplingevent. https://ipt.nina.no/resource?r=hjerkinnpro&v=1.0
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Ключевые слова
- Originator
- Point Of Contact
Географический охват
Hjerkinn, Innlandet, Norway
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [62,235, 9,475], Север Восток [62,24, 9,525] |
Таксономический охват
Описание отсутсвует
Kingdom | Plantae (vascular plants) |
Временной охват
Период формирования | 2004-2019 |
Данные проекта
In 1999 The Norwegian Parliament closed down the existing military training area of Hjerkinn in the Dovrefjell area, as part of a larger decision on reorganising and updating military training facilities in southern Norway. The decision specified that the closure included restoration of the area for civilian use, future protection and “back to original” ecosystem and landscape quality.
Название | HjerkinnPRO: Restoration of Hjerkinn militaring training area, Dovrefjell |
Финансирование | Hjerkinn PRO is funded by Norwegian Ministry of Defence and operated by Norwegian Defence Estate Agency. Research and monitoring was supported by strategic funding to NINA from The Research Council of Norway, project no. 160022/F40. |
Описание района исследования | The former Hjerkinn military training area is situated at Dovrefjell, Central Norway, between 1000 and 1700 m a.s.l., in one of the last largely intact high mountain ecosystems in Europe. The area covers 165 km2 and was used for military purposes from 1923 to 2008. The study sites were situated in dry and medium-dry alpine heath vegetation dominated by lichens, dwarf shrubs, and some graminoids and forbs. |
Описание плана выполнения исследований | The road section in each site was divided into three (four at the two sites where the No removal treatment was included) approximately 100 m long blocks, and restoration treatments were assigned randomly to the blocks. To monitor effects of restoration treatments, 55 permanent plots of 0.5 × 0.5 m were established in 2004, five for each restoration treatment at each site. The plots were randomly placed within blocks and were permanently marked with aluminum poles in the corners and marker sticks, and location was recorded with a handheld GPS. In 2014, we established 15 monitoring plots in intact vegetation in close proximity (10−20 m) to the road section sites to collect data on reference vegetation, i.e., the target for the restoration. At each site, a block of 100 m2 was established in undisturbed vegetation next to the road, and five plots were placed randomly within the block. The vegetation in the treatment plots were monitored in 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019, i.e. two, seven, 12, and 17 years after restoration, respectively, and reference plots were monitored in 2014 and 2019 |
Исполнители проекта:
Методы сбора
In each plot we recorded the abundance of all vascular plants as sub-plot frequency (i.e., presence-absence in 16 subplots per plot). In addition, we recorded total vegetation cover (visual estimate of percent cover, continuous scale), including cover of bryophytes and lichens.
Охват исследования | Three sites (road sections) covering 1.2 km of roads. The road section in each site was divided into three (four at the two sites where the No removal treatment was included) approximately 100 m long blocks, and restoration treatments were assigned randomly to the blocks. To monitor effects of restoration treatments, 55 permanent plots of 0.5 × 0.5 m were established in 2004, five for each restoration treatment at each site (Figure 2). The plots were randomly placed within blocks and were permanently marked with aluminum poles in the corners and marker sticks, and location was recorded with a handheld GPS. In 2014, we established 15 monitoring plots in intact vegetation in close proximity (10−20 m) to the road section sites to collect data on reference vegetation, i.e., the target for the restoration. At each site, a block of 100 m2 was established in undisturbed vegetation next to the road, and five plots were placed randomly within the block. The vegetation in the treatment plots were monitored in 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019, i.e. two, seven, 12, and 17 years after restoration, respectively, and reference plots were monitored in 2014 and 2019. |
Описание этапа методики:
- NA
Библиографические ссылки
- Hagen, D., Evju, M., Henriksen, P.S., Solli, S., Erikstad, L. & Bartlett, J. 2022. From military training area to National Park over 20 years: Indicators for outcome evaluation in a large-scale restoration project in alpine Norway. Journal for Nature Conservation 66: 126125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2021.126125
- Hagen, D. & Evju, M. 2013. Using short-term monitoring data to achieve goals in a large-scale restoration. Ecology and Society 18(3): 29. https://doi.org/10.5751/es-05769-180329
- Evju, M., Hagen, D., Olsen, C. & Mehlhoop, A. C. 2023. Recovery of vegetation on former alpine roads: how long does it take? Nordic Journal of Botany. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.03984
Дополнительные метаданные
Альтернативные идентификаторы | https://ipt.nina.no/resource?r=hjerkinnpro |