Overvåking av insekter i hule eiker 2023

最新版本 published by Norwegian Institute for Nature Research on 3月 6, 2024 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
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One hundred oak trees were selected from a set of 600 veteran oaks registered in the national oak survey. These oaks were divided into two sets of 50 oaks, where insects can be sampled every second year in each oak. For practical reasons, these two sets represent two different geographical regions; region East (Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Østfold, Telemark & Vestfold) and region West (Agder, Rogaland og Vestland). The oaks for each set were selected at random, with the exception of a doubled likelihood of selecting oaks with a visible cavity in addition to diameter at breast height larger than 200 cm, and a few criteria relating to the number of trees in each plot. The distribution of oaks between counties and with-in/outside of forest was controlled after the selection was made and was considered adequately balanced. Insects were sampled from the 50 selected oaks in region East in June and July in 2023. Two window traps were mounted at each tree, one in the canopy and one at the trunk, next to a cavity if the tree had any. Beetles were identified.


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Jacobsen R M, Laugsand A E (2024). Overvåking av insekter i hule eiker 2023. Version 1.0. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Occurrence dataset. https://ipt.nina.no/resource?r=ins_hul_eik_23&v=1.0



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Norwegian Institute for Nature Research。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: c2bb836f-2e2f-4abb-8ed4-1990f2539a3b。  Norwegian Institute for Nature Research 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Norway同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Specimen


Rannveig Margrete Jacobsen
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Arne Endre Laugsand
  • 出處
Norsk institutt for naturforskning


Southeast Norway

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [58.854, 8.953], 緯度北界 經度東界 [59.851, 11.047]



Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera
Family Helophoridae, Ptiliidae, Carabidae, Silphidae, Histeridae, Leiodidae


起始日期 / 結束日期 2023-06-01 / 2023-07-31


One hundred oak trees were selected from a set of 600 veteran oaks registered in the national oak survey. These oaks were divided into two sets of 50 oaks, where insects can be sampled every second year in each oak. For practical reasons, these two sets represent two different geographical regions; region East (Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Østfold, Telemark & Vestfold) and region West (Agder, Rogaland og Vestland). The oaks for each set were selected at random, with the exception of a doubled likelihood of selecting oaks with a visible cavity in addition to diameter at breast height larger than 200 cm, and a few criteria relating to the number of trees in each plot. The distribution of oaks between counties and with-in/outside of forest was controlled after the selection was made and was considered adequately balanced. Insects were sampled from the 50 selected oaks in region East in June and July in 2023. Two window traps were mounted at each tree, one in the canopy and one at the trunk, next to a cavity if the tree had any.

計畫名稱 Overvåking av insekter i hule eiker
經費來源 Miljødirektoratet
