Monitoring of effects of management actions in Junkerdalsura nature reserve - vascular plants

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Vegetation analyses in Junkerdalsura nature reserve during summer 2022

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Olsen S L (2023): Monitoring of effects of management actions in Junkerdalsura nature reserve - vascular plants. v1.0. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Dataset/Occurrence.



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Occurrence; Observation


Siri Lie Olsen
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Vitenskapelig rådgiver
Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Sognsveien 68
0855 Oslo
Roald Vang


Junkerdalsura nature reserve, Nordland, Norge

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [66.82, 15.395], 北 東 [66.827, 15.434]


Vascular plants

Kingdom Plantae (Plants)


開始日 / 終了日 2022-08-06 / 2022-08-19


Junkerdalsura nature reserve is known for its species rich pine and birch forests. Norway spruce was planted in parts of the reserve between the 1920s and 1960s. Restoration measures were therefore initiated to restore the native forest with its associated vegetation. Logging with timber extraction was carried out in two spruce plantations in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and a third spruce plantation was "veteranized" in 2021. The veteranisation aimed to damage the spruce trees so they would die gradually, providing dead wood to the area while at the same time allowing the native forest to regenerate. Vegetation analyses were conducted in these three former spruce plantations, as well as in adjacent control areas, in summer 2022.

タイトル Junkerdalen forest restoration
ファンデイング Tilskuddsmidler from the County Governor of Nordland
Study Area Description Junkerdalsura nature reserve is dominated by calcareous pine and birch forest, with an especially species rich flora.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) Vegetation analyses were conducted in a total of 107 1x1 m plots placed randomly along 31 transects in both former plantations and adjacent control areas.


Siri Lie Olsen
  • データ所有者


Vegetation analyses were conducted in a total of 107 1x1 m plots placed randomly along 31 transects in both former spruce plantations and adjacent control areas. Each transect included 3-4 plots. The transects were placed approximately 20 m from other areas to avoid edge effects and, where possible, 10 m from other transects.

Study Extent Junkerdalsura nature reserve

Method step description:

  1. 1. Identify representative transects in each plantation and adjacent control area 2. Randomly place plots along the transects 2. Conduct vegetation analyses


More information can be found in: Fritheim, P. 2023. From spruce plantations to native mountain birch forest in Junkerdalsura nature reserve: short-term effects of restoration on vegetation. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås