The initial goal of the project is to detect new alien species in early establishment phase in Norwegian nature. Insects and other arthropods have been sampled from urban and suburban sites in southeast-Norway. The trap collects flying insects passively in a bottle with 96% ethanol and is emptied once every four weeks, from May to September. All arthropods in the samples are identified by DNA-metabarcoding. DNA is extracted from the samples using a soft lysis method, which extracts DNA from the specimens without destroying them. The COI-region is then amplified from the extracted DNA and sequenced. The sequences are then filtered and quality checked and identified through matching with an in-house database of reference sequences.
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Jacobsen R, Åström J (2024). Early detection of alien arthropod species in Norway. Version 1.0. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Samplingevent dataset. https://ipt.nina.no/resource?r=early_detection_alien_arthropods&v=1.0
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As of 2023, the geographic scope is limited to the wider Oslo bay area.
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [58.993, 9.637], 緯度北界 經度東界 [60.273, 11.374] |
The sampling and bioinformatics focus on insects, but other classes of Arthropods also occur in the dataset.
Kingdom | Metazoa |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
起始日期 / 結束日期 | 2021-05-05 / 2023-08-24 |
The main goal of the project is to detec new alien species in early establishment phase in Norwegian nature.
計畫名稱 | Early detection of alien arthropod species in Norway |
經費來源 | The project is funded by the Environmental Agency of Norway. |
研究區域描述 | The survey is centred around the Oslofjord in southeast Norway. |
研究設計描述 | Sites are selected by two different methods, both aiming to target areas with high probability for occurrence of alien species, in particular new alien species. All sites based on the SSB grid for Norway, and formed as 250 x 250 meter squares. The automatically selected sites are drawn by an algorithm based on the following premises; (1) minimum eight single houses in the site (2) population density of minimum 30 and maximum 125 in the site (3) minimum 100 meters to the closest forested area (based on AR5 – the rationale for this was to ensure there was some nature in the site to which alien species could spread, as species in gardens or parks would not be included) (4) a weighted likelihood based on the modelled occurrence of alien plants from Olsen et al. (2017), i.e. higher likelihood to include sites in hot-spots for alien plants. The first two criteria resulted in many sites in residential areas with gardens, which was the intention, as imported garden plants are a very important source of alien species (Artsdatabanken 2023a). The manually selected sites are placed near potential pathways of introduction and spread of alien species that are not covered by the automatically selected sites. These sites are typically close to waste disposal sites with open depot for garden waste, transport hubs such as docks or freight terminals, or timber processing sites that are still or have previously imported timber from abroad (as timber can house several alien species of insects). |
One malaise trap per site
研究範圍 | Southeast Norway Sampling conducted in May to September |
- Sampling arthropods with malaisetraps, in 96% ethanol, emptied once every four weeks Straining the ethanol from the samples and adding control organisms (10 meal worms, 3 crickets and 10 bruchinae beetles). Lysis of the samples with ATL buffer and proteinase-K (100mL ATL = 1mL proteinase-K), incubated 3,5 hours while shaking (120 RPM) at 56 degrees celsius. DNA exctracted with Blood and Tissue kit (Quiagen) from 200 µL of the buffer solution. Amplifying COI with the primers BF3-BR2 (Elbrecht et al. 2019) in PCR (22 cycles) with overhang adaptors sequences in first run and Illumina-indexes in second run. Quality control of PCR products on a Tape Station (Agilent 4200) and cleaning with MAG-BIND RXN PURE PLUS. Sequencing with a Illumina NovaSeq machine at Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC) in Oslo.